2 advanced studio
url : www.2advanced.com
remarks : hi-tech and cyber execution
that never seen before.


ant's roots
url : http://www.aroots.com
remarks :
the personal and experimental
website of Antonio Luis.

dynamic flash animated transition plus
an user-friendly and nice guest book.


australian in front
url : www.australianinfront.com.au
remarks : "we are run by creatives for creatives". a famous australia webzine.


axis 360
url : www.axis360.com
remarks : very smooth flash animation.
the transition of each section is lively played
with the logo. also, outstanding graphic design
and colour usage.


born magazine
url : http://www.bornmagazine.org
remarks :
"born magazine seeks writers
& artists interested in collaborating to create
experimental, interactive projects for our
Just Born & Birthing Room sections."


bumble and bumble
url : www.bumbleandbumble.com
remarks : a flash website presenting a salon.
cool ! also have user-friendly interface
and practical usage of flash.


cato partners
url : www.cato.com.au
remarks :
cato partners is a leading
identity and management design company
in Australia.


central saint martins college of art & design
url : http://www.csm.linst.ac.uk
remarks :
a famous design college in UK.
using a long index page to link up the entire
website, plus cool pixel typography and
animated gif !

new updated

Chermayeff & Geismar Inc.
url : http://www.cgnyc.com
remarks : a NY design firm founded in 1960.
they are guided by the philosophythat design
is the solution to problems, rather than the
arbitrary application of fashionable styles ?


chewing gum
url : http://www.c-gum.de
remarks :
a beautiful on-line store !
cool flash intro + impressive interface !


chicago design jamboree
url : http://www.chicago-design.org
remarks :
a Japanese personal photo
exhibition ! pretty models + fantastic
photo images !!! !!!


dacafe photograph
url : http://www.nobdesign.com/da/
remarks :
"photo is life".
the author records his life by using camera.
full of natural and artistic images.


url : www.deepend.co.uk
remarks : famous UK design firm
presents simple and clear user interface.


deluxe inc.
url : http://www.deluxeinc.com
remarks :
a small personal site was created
by Thomas Baert from Belgium !!!
simple navigation + interesting experiments !


url : http://www.demian5.com
remarks :
an online-comic-story with simple
nevigation and no special plugins & scriptiing.
humoursome story, graphical illustration plus
thoughtful use of scrolling and animated gif.


dennis interactive
url : www.dennisinter.com
remarks : moving vector graphic with
elegant layout and rhythm.


url : http://derbauer.de
remarks :
"we do e-motions and you should
have them in front of your screen."
this German company did a great interface !


desktop image
url : www.desktopimage.com
remarks : surely a mac user's favourite !
using vector graphic to represent
pixel graphic.


url : http://www.drububu.com
remarks :
the author suffers from dyslexia
which is a distortion of information while
the mind is processing it ... ... ...
unusual background + unusual website !!!


url : www.eboy.com
remarks : pixel graphic expert !!!


ego media
url : www.egomedia.com
remarks: an innovative website
with their own operating system !


flip flop flyin'
url : http://www.flipflopflyin.com
remarks :
super cool pixel art !!!
one of the most famous website in design
community !!!


url : http://www.foundrydx.com
remarks :
"Lego has kept my mind busy
since I first began playing with it in 1983 ... "
what Lego can be !!!


url : http://www.god.org.sg
remarks :
first grade concept and execution !
... ... ... God wants to speak to you !


gui galaxy
url : http://www.guigalaxy.com
remarks :
"we have the biggest collection
of Mac desktop icons on any Hotline server
anywhere in the world."
a place for iconists and icon lovers !!!


url : http://www.guimp.com
remarks :
world's smallest website !!!
let's set our monitors to 640 x 480 px,
and play those funny games !!!


habbo hotel
url : www.habbohotel.com
remarks : fantastic pixel graphic + interesting community.


hillman curtis
url : www.hillmancurtis.com
remarks : famous web motion graphic expert,
their slogan is "making invisible visible".


url : http://www.hippielook.de
remarks :
fantastic vector illustration +
flash animation + interactive experimental !
it is from Germany !!!


url : http://www.holographix.org
remarks :
two fantastic pixel artists,
Masatake Matobe and Isao Yamanaka,
created this fantastic pixelated playground !


url : http://www.hugeinc.com
remarks :
"our solutions deliver both power
& pleasure to the user","we make it special"
a simple, special & impressive flash user-
interface, especially the usage of masking.


icon factory
url : www.iconfactory.com
remarks : quality free icons for mac !
iconist favourite !


identity works
url : http://www.identityworks.com
remarks :
"this site celebrates the use
of identity as a management tool,
and credits corporate leaders and designers
around the world for outstanding work."


jureta ivan
url : http://www.jureta.com
remarks :
a freelance designer from Belgium.
the overall graphic design, illustrations and
user interface are so charming !


juxt interactive
url : www.juxtinteractive.com
remarks : cool graphic, typography
and motion !


url : www.k10k.com
remarks : designer's lunch box. exellent web and graphic design. daily updated !


url : www.kiiroi.nu
remarks : thier initial intent with the site
was to deliver content and inspiration in order
to give something back to the design community !


url : http://www.kozyndan.com
remarks :
Kozy & Dan from california.
thier lovely site are full of lovely illustrations,
sketches, drawings & photos !!! !!! !!!


ksk design
url : www.kskdesign.com
remarks : with a simple, clear and elegant
interface !!!


lexus > minority report
url : http://www.lexus.com/minorityreport/
remarks :
"what will life be like in 2054 ?
lexus is pleased to present an interactive
experience that will allow you to explore
the fascinating world of minority report."


url : http://www.lindkvist.com
remarks :
Andreas Lindkvist's personal
website from Sweden
. his illustration and
design is stylish, impressive and cute !
don't miss the download section !!!


url : www.linkdup.com
remarks : world wide web stimulus.
centralise many world class websites.


love motel
url : http://www.lovemotel.com.hk
remarks :
some innovative, interesting
& beautiful Flash ActionScript excercises
from Hongkong !!!


marc newson ltd.
url : http://www.marc-newson.com
remarks :
"Marc Newson is known for
his funkily futuristic, but technically rigorous
approach to design." he's the designer of
the ford 021c concept car !!!


mario lalich photography
url : http://www.mariolalich.com
remarks :
"Mario Lalich was borned in Croatia,
in US since 1987, based in NYC."
fantistic photography, web design, navigation,
usage of colour, concept ... etc.


mobiles disco
url : www.mobilesdisco.com
remarks : finnish interactive chatroom.
using nice pixel graphic to create a virtual space for chatting.


mono* craft 3.0
url : www.yugop.com
remarks : the greatest original experimental website.


mtv 2
url : www.mtv2.co.uk
remarks : one of the most famous 3D vector graphic interface website. many websites are infected by it's unique style !


url : http://www.naho.com
remarks :
Naho Ogawa is a famous freelance
illustrator from Japan.
her cute and unique illustration contains
full of joy !


url : www.nasa20.com
remarks : creative user interface.
cyber, hi-tech and furturistic visual.
very cool !!!


url : http://www.newstoday.com
remarks :
news update every second !!!
and you may post your own news on
this board !!! very useful and cool !!!
let's contribute to our design community !


url : www.now.com
remarks : the most beautiful and functional portal. simple, clear and user friendly.
the video motion images, animation and
CG are great, too !!!


url : http://www.orisinal.com
remarks :
humorous and interesting games
+ experiments !!! funny and inspirational !!!
good graphic design and illustration too !!!


ot-to - the critter corporation
url : http://www.ot-to.com
remarks :
"Ot-to specializes in Critter design
because it is our passion."
it contains full of lovely pixel !!!


url : www.pentagram.com
remarks : leading design agency in the world.
neat and user friendly interface.


url : http://www.pixelfreak.com
remarks :
"my name is Rene Hernandez,
I'm 17 and live in El Salvador. "
"I made an entire (furnished) house,
proves I'm patient." it's really amazing !!!


url : http://www.pixel-imp.com
remarks :
"we're based in Galway Ireland,
we are good at what we do ..."
the transparent news window and the drop
shadow of the cursor are very nice !!!


url : http://www.pluxemburg.com
remarks :
it comes from Sweden.
special illustration, feel so free and funny!!!


url : www.praystation.com
remarks : Joshua Davis' work,
his philosophy and presentation skill are very impressive !!!


quick honey
url : http://www.quickhoney.com
remarks :
a couple of pixel art experts,
Nana & Peter, created their pixel paradise !!!
Peter's vector illustrations are great !


url : http://www.relevare.com
remarks :
what is user-friendly interface ?
relevare.com is an very outstanding example.
they used different size of squares to show
the depth of the entire website ! super cool !!!


rui camilo
url : www.ruicamilo.de
remarks : rui camilo, professional portugal
photographer, made a website with simple
clear netvigation and hamony colour
scheme !


safe places
url : www.safeplaces.net
remarks : it creates a peaceful
and comfortable feeling in virtual space.
it's cute and funny !


url : www.sarah.nl
remarks : nice graphic and usage of colour ! fashionable !


url : www.stockholmnew.com
remarks : simple and utility interface for user.
elegant photo images and graphic.


soda constructor
url : www.sodaplay.com
remarks : the online toy where you can build and play with things made out of masses, springs and muscles.


url : www.sountain.com
remarks : you can find a lot of wonderful
and famous websites in the links session.


surf station
url : www.surfstation.lu
remarks : "inspiration becomes innovation".
a famous webzine from luxemboury has
nice clutter graphic in some sections,
simple layout with interesting features.


susan kare
url : http://www.kare.com
remarks :
who is she ?!
"the mother of the mac trashcan",
"the designer who made the mac smile",
"a founding partner of susan kare llp" !!!


the remedi project
url : www.theremediproject.com
remarks : it's come from "REdesigning
the MEdium through DIscovery".


url : www.threeoh.com
remarks : "we wish to explore concepts,
inspire artistic experimentation and
encourage creative growth within our aydience."


url : www.typographic.com
remarks : typographic + motion graphic.
the blur images movement is really cool !!!


typographic 56
url : www.typographic56.co.uk
remarks : interesting navigation, cool layout
and graphic design, but not very user friendly.


url : www.ultrashock.com
remarks: the ultimate knowledge base
for multimedia developers.
good looking + rich content.


vector park
url : www.vectorpark.com
remarks : another work of safeplaces.net's author.


why not associates
url : http://www.whynotassociates.com
remarks :
"why not associates are a multi-
disciplinary design studio creating highly
innovative and varied work."


wire frame
url : www.wireframe.co.za
remarks : simple and useful interface
with great impact !
a very famous "unfinished" website.


url : www.xl5design.com
remarks : you'll get shock by visiting this personal site !!!
Brian Taylor is trying to make everything perfect !!!


xtra pop
url : www.xtrapop.com
remarks : xtrapop.com is Thomas Brodahl's
personal webspace which serves as a
completely isolated entity exclusively for him.

He's one of the founders of surfstation.lu.


url : http://www.xururu.org
remarks :
Andre' Matarazzo from Canada.
his website is showing his strong portfolio with
a simple and user-friendly interface !!!